01 January 2013

Painted Planters

This project I did with my sister, Natricia, for some friends of hers. It was fun and I think this is a great painting project for kids to do as well.

What you'll need:
Terracotta Pots
tempera paint
blue 1/2 inch painters tape

Step 1: Paint terracotta planters. We chose white and copper for our color scheme but any combination will do. I also like white and dark blue. Or if you know their favorite sports teams colors go with those, the possibilities are endless.

Step 2: Let the base coat dry for at least 4 hours. The pots should be dry enough that the paint won't chip when you remove the tape.

Step 3: Prepare your stencils and paint. My sister made our stencils using Microsoft Publisher by enlarging the font of her choice which we then cut out with a Exacto knife.  You can also use a packaged stencil kit as well. Use the painters tape to hold the stencil in place. We used our friends names, but you can stencil just about any words: plants, names, team slogans the list goes on and on. Let paint dry for at least 4 hours before removing stencils.

Step 4:  Fix any spots that need a touch up. Some paint might have steeped through the thin areas of the stencil just paint over the blotch with a fine tip brush and appropriate paint color.


Happy holidays!

Kiss Kiss,

The Perki Giver

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